Welcome Readers,

I am Demetria Wade

And I’m your guide to overcoming generational dysfunction I’m on a mission to build resilient character while fostering healthy family dynamics. This book presents practical insights and tips to cope with generational dysfunction and trauma. So, let’s get started!

About The Author

Demetria Wade’s journey has been one of resilience and purpose. Born and raised in the vibrant city of Houston, Texas, she emerged from the depths of adversity to become a beacon of hope for those facing similar challenges. Growing up in a single-parent household, Demetria experienced the harsh realities of life in crime-ridden neighborhoods, facing poverty, struggle, and the absence of basic necessities.

"I am writing this book so you can be aware and know how to recognize spiritual warfare, identify the Jezebel Spirit, and be on guard, pray, and fight against its attacks. It is a journey that the Lord took me on back in 2012, and I have never been the same."

About The Author

Hailing from Houston, Texas, Demetria Wade triumphed over adversity in a single-parent household to achieve success as a model in 2020. Additionally, she serves as a spiritual leader and motivational speaker, inspiring others through her faith and resilience. Demetria firmly believes in the transformative power of strength, faith, and purpose in changing lives.

"I am writing this book so you can be aware and know how to recognize spiritual warfare, identify the Jezebel Spirit, and be on guard, pray, and fight against its attacks. It is a journey that the Lord took me on back in 2012, and I have never been the same."

Author Book


I am writing this book so you can be aware and know how to recognize spiritual warfare, identify the Jezebel Spirit, and be on guard, pray, and fight against its attacks. It is a journey that the Lord took me on back in 2012, and I have never been the same.

While infusing psychology with Biblical wisdom, she addresses the insidious Jezebel Spirit. She teaches readers to recognize and conquer the hypocritical figure. With practical examples, she teaches readers to end their curses through spiritual warfare. Her story is a beacon of hope, inspiring resilience to face adversity and persevere. Her book teaches that, through self-education and faith, we can break the chains of generational dysfunction. Readers of the book will feel its message as an invitation to liberate ourselves from unjust abuse.


Book Preview


Are you tired of the unspoken wounds that have haunted your family for generations? Do you long to break free from the invisible chains of emotional neglect and abuse? Look no further than “How to Deal and Cope with Generational Dysfunction” by Demetria Wade. This powerful book is your guide to understanding, confronting, and overcoming the deep-seated wounds that have plagued your family for years.

In this heartfelt journey through her own childhood struggles, Demetria Wade shares her path to identifying and combating the spiritual warfare that manifested in generational dysfunction. With unwavering courage, Demetria recounts her experiences of growing up in a dysfunctional home, facing emotional abuse, and battling the subtle but insidious effects it had on her. Just like air that surrounds us, these abuses often go unnoticed, but their impact is undeniable. Through her words, you’ll realize that you’re not alone—someone, somewhere is facing the same battles you are.



I am writing this book so you can be aware and know how to recognize spiritual warfare, identify the Jezebel Spirit, and be on guard, pray, and fight against its attacks. It is a journey that the Lord took me on back in 2012, and I have never been the same.

While infusing psychology with Biblical wisdom, she addresses the insidious Jezebel Spirits of our lives. She teaches readers to recognize and conquer these hypocritical figures. With practical examples, she teaches readers to end their curses through spiritual warfare. Her story is a beacon of hope, inspiring resilience to face adversity and persevere. Her book teaches that, through self-education and faith, we can break the chains of generational dysfunction. Readers of the book will feel its message as an invitation to liberate ourselves from unjust abuse.


“This book is a special tribute to anyone going through mistreatment or neglect caused by people showing signs of narcissistic
personality disorder (NPD) or what’s known as the Jezebel Spirit” 

Demetria Wade


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